Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 122 , 123
Study the simulation software ~
It was so hard for me to understand ...
But i need to master it as it is my Final Year Project Title
Not forget to mention that Thursday is my last day !
After that , i can sleep , play and eat !
No need to wake up early anymore .... cool !
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 117 , 118, 119 , 120, 121
I had a quiet week last week, no project and no extraordinary event in Malacca ..
But i feel happy now , as my training days left 3 days ..
Suddenly i feel like the time passes so fast !
I remember i started this Day 1 blog on my first day of internship
Now is already Day 121 !!! mean 4 months has passed ...
Time for me to back to my lovely home ...
No more working ...
No more wake up early ...
No more project ...
Only relax , sleep , eat for next 2 weeks =)
After that i gotta start my FYP ...
So gotta recharge my energy b4 FYP comes to me !
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 115 , 116
So far so good , i still haven't master the software yet
However, i feel kinda sorry for my partner
The boss keep asking me to follow up implementation or task
Eventho it was teamwork from we both
So i tried to ask her to do and reported back to the boss to show her participation
Hopefully the boss will notice her existence too
I chose teamwork over individual ...... i don't like to steal the spotlight at all =)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 114 : 8 more days to go
I felt so happy bout when think bout the days remaining in my company
However i need to settle my Arena simulation software before i leave company
I was asked to get approval from company in order to proceed to my fyp title
I haven't confirm that i will choose that topic yet coz it is very hard to do
Thus , i gotta master it in 2 weeks or say bye bye to it =)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 109 , 110, 111, 112, 113 ~
Wednesday my life was so easy ~~~~
I brought my lappie to work .... study on my FYP title ....
No more project for me =)
But when i was about to go back ... here comes paperwork !
Luckily that time i was planning to drive back but not bus
If not .. my RM 28.80 flied away ~~~~ My bus fares =(
I drove to Malacca right after bathe
When i reached there , we visited Pasar Malam and bought many foods to eat
Yummy ~ But fattening =(
Day 110 Thursday ~
Thursday is our movie day ~ At first we thought of going to do something in MP
But failed due to some circumstances .. However we changed our minds and watched movie
We watched Resident Evil Afterlife ...
The movie was just decent ....... if compared with previous RE series
Kinda disappointed .. hopefully the next movie Devil will be better 1 =)
Night we bought roasters from Ayamas and dinner
Nasi Lemak from her mommy was awesome ! ( At least better than my house 1 .. haha )
After dinner i can't rmb wat was happening till Friday =(
Day 111 Friday ~
This day i rmb ....... she went to work and i was busy setup my room
so so so so so tired
Setting up the furniture whole day until my muscle felt pain !
However i am glad that i bought all the furniture that i needed with low price =)
Day 112 Saturday ~
We went shopping with her best fren at new JJ as we long time no see her d
We spent our times chit chating inside new JJ
Then we got back to her home and started to get ready for her big event
However her big event failed and came home
We went to eat Ho Jian and hokkien mee at Bunga Raya there with her family
Then Tesco time !!
The queue for payment was quite long
And one family was trying to cut queue ...
However they failed to do so due to 1 Malaysia motto ... unity of all races in Malaysia
They worked together to chase them away .. nice job !
Day 113 Sunday ~
Today we whole day at home ..... we were so lazy to go around ~
She made Gui Ling Gao for her family and me ...
And i brought back some for my family as well
That day i realized that i really missed her
I kept looking back as i was about to go home
When i didn't see her face at last glance .. i felt disappointed and sad .. wonder why
But don mind. ... i will be back next friday ...
Cheers ~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 108.5
I love the song so much .. 你不知道的事 .. It was awesome !!
Here comes the lyric ..
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
我飞行 但你坠落之际
你的泪滴像 倾盆大雨
碎了满地 在心里清晰
多的是 你不知道的事
For those who don't understand chinese ... don worry !!! i will aid you guys ~
Butterflies learned to fly before the eyes blink a few times
How many pieces and scattering the stars but the sky will be landing
I have the occasion of the flight but you fall
Very close to also hear the breathing
I'm sorry I did not grab hold of you
You do not know why I left you
I insist that you can not say that laissez-faire cry
Your tears like a heavy rain
Broke clear in the heart of Montreal
You do not know why I mind to
Hovering in the sky where you can not see
Many things that you do not know
Butterflies learned to fly before the eyes blink a few times
How many pieces and scattering the stars but the sky will be landing
I have the occasion of the flight but you fall
Very close to also hear the breathing
I'm sorry I did not grab hold of you
You do not know why I left you
I insist that you can not say that laissez-faire cry
Your tears like a heavy rain
Broke clear in the heart of Montreal
You do not know why I mind to
Hovering in the sky where you can not see
Many things that you do not know
I have the occasion of the flight but you fall
You do not know why I left you
I insist that you can not say that laissez-faire cry
Your tears like a heavy rain
Broke clear in the heart of Montreal
You do not know why I mind to
Many things that you do not know
Hovering in the sky where you can not see
Day 108 : The day before Malacca life ~
Wednesday night i will be going back to Malacca again ...
All friends wonder why i can back Malacca everyweek for more than 3 months
Even i also wonder that too .... Don't i miss home too ?
My only answer is i don't miss that much for now ...
I think every guy out there think the same as mine too
I feel like hanging out with friends .... walking around .... instead of staying home with family
However i should appreciate my family before it is too late !
I shall spend some times with them whenever i free instead of going back Malacca
Anyway i am looking forward to back Malacca ....... 4 days holiday for me .. wohooo
I have planned many things for us to do during weekend ...
Shopping .. movie ... have nice meals .... have birthday party as well
Hopefully she won't feel boring with my preparations ...
Oh ya ! Things went smoothly today ... Project ended with a laughter from senior manager
I still need to submit an example of simulation modeling as he was curious of the software
Hopefully it went well too !
Cheers ~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 103, 104, 105, 106, 107
Aw ~~~ Thursday all my malay colleagues have already went back home town ...
Just left few people worked in the office !!
I felt boring as i couldn't do anything without my partner
Not to say i am depending on her ! But it is better to do together
I brought my own lappie to office and started to learn simulation software
What a nice day ~ My company payed me to do my own things ! hehe
As usual .... travel to Malacca ~ Good thing is no jam at all !
All people just went back on Wednesday ~
Day 104 Friday
I cant remember well what i did at all ~ =(
I just remembered i had fun BBQ with my buddies !
Although the space was limited .. But we managed to had fun and snapped a lot pictures
Ah ~~ Wait !! I just remembered what was happening on Thursday night !
Lynn car got into drain !! Both front wheels got into the drain
We tried to reverse the car but it didn't worked at all !
One good thing bout cell phone is we can call up our buddies for help
First call to my best buddies --->
Call : Toot toot ~ Hey i need help !!! I am at xxxxx ...
Reply : Playing game
My Thought : haha .. not to say bad but he did try to help us .. thanks anyway
Second call to her mommy --->
Call : Toot toot ~ Hello , We got into trouble and we need help ... We are at xxxx
Reply : okok , we come now !!
My Thought : As expected from her mommy reaction =)
Her mommy reached and we have another try to pull it up .. it failed =(
Then another car got into the drain too ! That was funny ..
Only one wheel got into the drain, thus we managed to pull it up
Suddenly a bunch of people gather around and helped us to pull the car
It was a success and we appreciated a lot =)
Day 105 Saturday
Yes Yes Yes ~~~~~ BBQ NITE ~~~~
Before BBQ , special thanks to her uncle who treated me Dim Sum .. Thanks a lot
The dim sum was very nice and delicious .. most probably the best dim sum ever in my life
Then we went to DP to hunt for my clothes !
We walked around in the shopping mall and started to search for my clothes
I spent few hours and few hundred as well on my clothes =(
After that we went back to her house and started to prepare for BBQ night
We were so busy that time ... but we enjoyed the process a lot =)
Start fire, burn charcoal , cook the raw fish , eat it and throw it .. normal procedure for BBQ
But i enjoyed it a lot since it was my first BBQ gathering with a family although it is not mine
Day 106 Sunday
Aw .... Today i need to go back again ..... Back to working life ! dang !
That day we were so lazy to go around ....
Mostly just stay at home watch tv and drama
Till the moment i was going to back home
I had a lil sweet moment with her ... hehe .. i felt so happy that time
Hopefully we can maintain our sweet moment in the future ...
Ok .. times up ! I went to the bus station and bye bye Malacca =)
Day 107 Monday
Man !! So boring at here working place
I have nothing to do at all ... so i just modified my implementation to make it better
modified finish .... nothing to do again .. oh my god
Then i started to fill in my log book ... It was filled .. still nothing to do !! #!%R#!$#@!#
ok .... i started going around and waited for the time to pass ...
Times up !!! pack my bag and bye bye !!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 102 : happy ? or sad ?
But i felt good when the contractor contacted me without going through my boss !
I was acknowledged by him as representative or the person in charge for that design
We discussed on how to implement it and he gave a quotation for the implementation
Hopefully the outcome will be fine ! If not my efforts will go into nothing
I did nothing today , after discussion with contractor i just did some daily tasks , tats all !
So i just lepak-ing around while waiting for time to reach 4 30 pm
Yes ! finally 4 30 pm ! time for me to go home d
I got into my car and reverse and ...................... bang !!
I banged the beside car ! in the parking lot
However it rained heavily and i don think anyone will know bout it
So i decided to drive away since it was just a small scratch at his/her car
When i reached home, i realized the rubber near my tyre came off
I pulled it out and hid it at the backseat
I used tissue to rub off the paint away so that i won't get found out tomorrow
So i decided to park further away to avoid any unnecessary argument
P/S : Sorry for banging to your car !
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 101 : Raya Eve tmr ?
I hope so as i am so lazy to work on Thursday !
I saw one funny way of advertising ~
The Giant staff was driving one car with Giant logo was painted on it
And was pulling one cute advertisement board !
I managed to snap one photo of it and share to all of you =)

Cute advertisement boards !

Today i felt that i was an important figure in my company
My boss asked me to show the contractor my implementation design
I explained to him like a professional engineer
But the feeling has just remained for few minutes
As i noticed that i was taking all those spotlights
It was a teamwork instead of individual work !!
Then i tried to pass the baton to my partner who was a Malay
But she had difficulty in communicate with Chinese as the Chinese doesn't speak good Malay
I tried to explain to him in Chinese and ended up the contractor kept on talking to me instead
I felt that i shouldn't do that, even though i didn't have the intention to steal the show
The bosses called me , assigned task to me or asked updates from me instead of her
So i have decided to try to let her deal with the contractor by asking her to come nearer
Teach her on how to deal with the task, slowly share some tasks with her
Since i will leave the company in just 3 weeks time as i am just a practical trainee
Hopefully in these 3 weeks time i will be able to impress my bosses with my partner =)
As for Lynn , good job ! Today was your first working day !
So how was it ? Can u adapt to the job ? Anyone bully you by giving you nonsense task?
There are tons of questions in my mind ! Hopefully u can get used to it soon
Although i am feeling a lil bit lonely here
Lunch without you, can't sms you during morning or afternoon
I used to rush back from company and web cam with her everyday lunch time
Sms her whenever i am free as i miss her a lot !
But i will get used to it and try to pick up the things i wanna do since long time ago
Good luck lynn !
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 !
The day i left Selangor for Malacca
Unfortunately i do not manage to reach Malacca earlier ....
The bus came late , pump gas somemore , what a disappointing day for me !
When i reached there, her car broke down and i got so worried bout her ...
Luckily nothing major problem there , what a relief ~
I went to library on that night to get installation CD of "Arena" software
The CD is needed for my FYP simulation title
I installed it in the same day and tried to test run my implementation
However it was so difficult to understand the software
98th day is Saturday ~
Early in the morning, we went to library again to return the CD
Then we start our half day Bukit Beruang trip !
First stop is MMU library ~
We went in just to return CD and failed to borrow another CD =(
Next stop was my house at Bukit Beruang
We borrowed key from my housemate and duplicated it as i will be shifting in soon
Then we stopped at shop lots and took her repaired printer from shop and bought one CD
After that we went to nearby hawker stall and got her sister brunch ~
When Brunch was dabao-ed , key was duplicated as well then gave back to the owner
Next we brought the brunch back home and headed for nearby shop to photocopy notes
Lastly ~~~~~~ NEW JJ !! our dating hot spot !
Hehe, we have been discussing for few weeks that wanna eat steamboat at there !
Well, the steamboat was just a decent 1 as it can be prepared by just anyone who is free !
I regretted a lot actually but it was a nice experience for both of us =)
Next thing to do was shop shop and shop =)
Once shop finished , next we went to dabao for her mommy food
And we spent some times there lepaking as well
Evening we went jogging at her Taman as we were so lazy to go Bukit Serindit there
Just a normal jog , then we headed back and prepared for Satay Celup treat by her mommy !
The satay celup was just so so , but it was quite fun tho can enjoy the meal with big group
We went to Tesco for so called window shopping by her mommy
The place was so crowded as Raya is around the corner
Window shopping failed as her mommy started to pick up something to trolley ~ haha
Shop shop and shop ~ Then we headed home and rest ~
She have a nice sleep and i continued with my FYP software ~

Steamboat with her =)
99th Sunday
Sunday we had such a nice sleep ~ When we woke up .. we helped out to cook breakfast
Sunday breakfast was Mee Hoon Kuey .. the dough was made by her mommy ~
We just helped out to do simple thing while her mommy was the main chef
After breakfast, we helped to bake cake ~ it wasn't so easy to bake 1
So we gotta appreciate what have been done by Ms Lynn , Madam Doreen ~
Next main event was movie ! So long never movie with her already !
We watched dogs and cats , it was just normal for me, i prefer to be with her .. hehe
After movie we helped out to prepare dinner ~
The dinner was so luxurious ! Squid , chicken what also got !
Well done to the cooking team ! i am loving it ~
Ok, time for me to go home again 8 pm bus ~ See ya Malacca =(

Movie with my dear =)
100th Monday
Today was my meeting day with senior manager
We met him up and talked bout our project progress
He said we did more than enough , and proceed to next phase
He said the purpose of the last phase was to let us get exposed to different sections people
However i got a lil disappointed as i thought it was a serious project assigned to us
I did not knew that it was just a tutorial project for us
But i felt happy when my colleague told us that he seriously presented our implementation
In front of those bosses and many people out there
Everyone thought it was his idea, but he generously gave the credit to us !
I always thought that no people would know our achievement ! wohoo ~
Let's put aside working things, today was our 100th anniversary day ~
100th day since i left Malacca and back to Selangor !
I started to miss Lynn now, as i really love her so much ..
P/S : Lynn i will be back very soon , i love you dear , u are my first and the last =) <3<3
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 96 Thursday
I have been walking around from one end to the another end several times ...
It was so tiring and waste of time .. i must cope with it in order to finish up my project ..
One thing disappointing is my lecturer still hasn't contact me on the visit ..
I dunno what was he doing before that ... should have at least contact us the time
The next happy thing is i found an interesting FYP title !!!
Wow wow .. i never expect can find such a title out there
Guess i will work harder to achieve my dream there =p
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 95 : Wednesday ~
No time to rest at all ! However the time passed faster than usual .. not a bad thing =)
I gotta interview and pass survey to every employee ... some went missing and some not free
Plus got to finish up my daily job and helping out colleague ...
The moral of the story for today is ~~~~
Close one eye open one eye !
I should have care less about what is happening
Do not get involved in any argument
Enjoy my day as spectator
Control my temper as usual
And live freely !
Cheers ~
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 88, 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 = Wonderful weekend
At first i don't think that the current project is a major one ...
Right after the meeting with senior manager, i realized that that is a good project ...
Plenty of ideas can come from the project ... major implementations can be done as well ...
Hopefully we manage to get it done before the due date ... god bless us =)
As for Friday to Tuesday ... I had lotsa fun in Malacca.. We celebrated Andrew birthday on Thursday . It was fun ! and funny too ! When i was looking at them playing around, i thought of the old self of me and several close friends. We used to have fun playing around, tease each other, angel like friendship. But everything is gone. So i kinda miss that moment. Anyway happy birthday again to Andrew =)

Andrew birthday party
Friday we decided to go for Sushi-ya to eat cheap sushi. Too bad no discount during that day. But we managed to eat something special => Kenny Roger Roaster ! I wanted to eat that so long ago. The chicken was awesome with black pepper sauce. Not forget to mention the sides dishes such as mashed potatoes with special gravy and fruits. After our meals, we went jogging at Bukit Serindit as our tummies were getting bigger =( ....... During night we went outing with my classmates. We met up at Frog Cafe . It was a special cafe with special decorations. But it was too noisy for people to chit chat. Anyway i had so much fun with them until i forgot my image in front of my dear ...hehe

Kenny Roger Roaster ~

Not too bad rite kenny chicken !

Special cafe
Saturday we woke up early and went to Tesco for shopping ! We wanted to buy ingredients for our weekly event ~ COOKING ! We love to cook during Saturday ! This week special dishes are pancakes and fried kuey teow ! She cooked the pancake and i cooked the kuey teow. After shopping then we prepared to start the event. We were so busy cooking as we are just first timer ... However the outcomes were pretty good ~ Not too bad comments from her sister and mommy. hehe .. It was tiring but worth it.... Another weekly event ~ JOGGING ! Yes ! We need it badly ! Our tummies were getting bigger ... So we went jogging again at Bukit Serindit ... Night we went yam cha with her cousins and family at Melaka Raya .. They all were so funny ~ I missed that type of conversation d with my friends. I wanted to go back to Uni life as soon as possible. Oh ya , we went to jonker to lepak for a while before head home to sleep ~
Her pancake =)
My kuey teow and her pancake

Dimsum with her family
Sunday we woke up in the morning and had breakfast at home . Her sis wanted to do Ondeh-Ondeh as the mood of cooking was filling up the house. At first it went smoothly the process. Then she met the first obstacle , dough problem ~ . The dough was too soft and sticky. Then Lynn helped her to add more flour and try to overcome the problem .. Finally the dough is ready to cook ! The finished product of Ondeh-Ondeh was nice ! Most importantly they managed to get it done together and they enjoyed the process of doing it. Well done ! Next , we did nothing at all , we were so lazy to do anything ~ Luckily we found something to do at night .. We went for food hunting ! Lynn was saying that she can eat hot food , so we decided to let her taste hot stuff ~~~~~~~~ Super Malak Sausage from Old Newton Food Court... I worried she might feel pain after eating those hot stuff, so i changed it to Malak .. starts from the low difficulty before going for higher one. I was glad that i changed it, she barely stands the hotness. Haha ... now she terasa d ! Next we went to Jonker Street for a walk . We watched singing competition at there, and some cool break dances there ! I hoped i can be so talented in the future too !

Takoyaki at Newton ~

Performance at Jonker Walk

The crowd
Monday we went to Dataran in the morning. We felt so disappointed when we found out that Lee Hom movie was no longer on air. So Phua Chu Kang is the movie of the day for us =) . One funny thing bout watching movie during weekday is there is not too many people in the hall. Just 6 of us in the biggest hall ??? However we can enjoy watching without any disturbance. It was just a decent movie with reasonable price. After our sweet movie, here comes sushi ya ! Wow wow .. 50 % discount on every plate of sushi ! not too bad ! We had many plates of sushi and we were satisfied =) ... Good job Sushi-Ya ! Evening we went jogging again as our tummies were bigger than before =( .... This is what i called sweet jog ~ I had sweet moment with her even though we were jogging .... At night we went yam cha with housemates them.... We played Uno cards until 12 am + ... So long dint go for late outing d .. haha .. not too bad ~

Tuesday we woke up late and went to eat Dimsum at Bukit Baru ... Too bad the dimsum shop is closed on Merdeka Day. She suggested that we shall have our meal at Windmill ... the place that have our precious memories ~ we chit chated for 1 hour at there and went shopping around Jusco ... She cooked for me nice foods just before i back home .. how sweet ~ My time to go back to hometown ~ I miss her more than last time.... i dunno how she feels ... does she feels like me ?? hehe .. but i have no worries bout those things as i just need to do my best on my relationship , family , study and working ~ Good luck lynn on finding job ~ <3<3<3

Blur look of her at Windmill

Windmill Black Pepper Fish
Her special dish for me =)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 87 ~ Tuesday
I felt lazy to move around
But i gotta do the things i left during Monday
i need to print so many graphs
Plus data key in ~
And not forget to mention that my project !
My last project in IDS Manufacturing !
Once i finish it i am free man again
I would like to see machine after i completed it
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86
Perhaps tmr will update ..
hehe .. cheers ~
alright ! is time to update something !
Lets start with some interesting topics
Everyone has their own stands
Let say A quarrel with B
A will think his stand is the correct 1
While B thinks that his stand is the correct 1
And if C try to butt into the quarrel
He is surely digging his grave =)
sorry .. too tired .. continue tmr =)
Oh yeah .. today is monday .. i will share my weekend experiences to all
Wednesday Thursday i was very busy doing the video for my dear
Her birthday was on last Sunday 22nd of August
I need to improve the video before Friday !
Plus i need to chat with her so that she wouldn't noe i was editing video
Finally it was Friday ! After my work i drove all the way to Malacca
Drive Drive and Drive for 2 hours
Finally i reached her house !
I took bath then headed to new JJ for dinner
I brought her to Hong Kong style restaurant
We ordered famous HK Cheese baked rice with ham
Together with famous tea mixed coffee and cream soup
That was a decent dinner , but the price is so costly
However we managed to snap some pictures as our memories
Then we shopped around new JJ

Saturday was another tiring day again
We woke up early and had Bukit Beruang Dim Sum as breakfast
The Dim Sum were nice and cheap if compared to Selangor Dim Sum
We bought one big Bao for her mom as well
Our next destination will be new JJ again !
We wished to buy presents for her cousin and my friend
We shopped inside JJ and searched for colour pencil
Finally we bought it together with colouring book total of RM30
Me too, i got my present about RM 30 as well for my friend
And yes ! Our next stop is StoneGrill !
The place was very unique ! The decoration over there was awesome
We ordered some cheap foods among the expensive foods
The stone for the grilling was very hot
It can heat the meat continuously for an hour plus
Nice atmosphere, decent food, nice pic snapping spot =)
Oh yeah , not forget to mention that nice price as well

As usual, we will buy something nice for her mom
That day we bought McD for her mom !
Her mom never had a taste on Spicy Chicken Mcdeluxe before
Hopefully she will like it !
Then evening we went to fetch Lydia from her event
And pass present to my friend sister
And we had chicken rice as our dinner ~
The chicken rice was made without chicken essence
Its taste was very good !
Just as nice as outside chicken rice
I ate 3 bowls of rice , so full ~
Night we were just hanging around at home until her birthday celebration
Her uncle bought cake for her and present as well
It was a nice cake, and superb presents !
She seemed like it a lot, i should have bought that too =(
We spent the hours together until 12 am ~
I wished her and had a very sweet moment with her

Sunday morning i stayed at home
Because they had to pay their respect to the passed away grandma
Then we went to Sing K at dreambox
She seemed very disappointed when she realized Chi is not going to come
However she did enjoyed her day with our friends =)
They celebrated her birthday there with a cheese cake by Canary

however she seemed like got used to it and calm bout it
Next stop is ............... nah , not going to go anywhere
I gotta go home soon during Sunday
I packed and went home after it
wait !!! Actually it was just a trick to give her a surprise !
I wanna let her noe that i need to go home during Sunday
I took leave on Monday just to prepare the surprise
I pretended to go home and headed to Secret Recipe for her cake
One whole cake is just too ordinary and i believed that she won't eat finish it
Thus i planned to buy 12 slices of different cheese cakes for her =)
I felt so embarrassed coz i requested for 12 slices as a whole cake
The waitress had a funny expression on her face
I waited for an hour for the whole process
Finally i headed back to her house quietly
Nicky almost spoils my plan !
Thanks to Lydia and her mommy
My plan went well ~
I surprised her with the cake and the video

She cried a lot after it
At last the 2 months plan has just officially ended
Aw ~~ I felt so satisfied with my achievement
But the night , i had a terrible experience
We went for birthday privilege hunt with her and her sis
Asian Havana is sux to the max, money minded but not a good businessman
A businessman who think for short term will not success in the future
Then we went to Wings cafe
Same thing happened again
But i was pleased with the waiter attitude
So i ordered another 2 extra drink just to get the free meal ~~
When we wanna go back, we saw my friends at the door there
Wow, they seemed very very angry and unpleasant smile on their face
I wonder why, luckily i kept my cool and greet them
Then we headed back to her house and continued our sweet moment

Monday morning i woke up early
We went to MMU to get some documents
The staff lectured me for mishandling the documents
But i was glad that i got the documents back to my hand
Then we headed to her friend family store to get Nasi Goreng Pattaya ingredients
We bought onions, seasoning and Anchovies at there
When we reached home, we get ready for our meals
We were so busy but we managed to snap some pics of them
It was a total success ~ and nice too

Then we brought to to her mommy work place
And we got a pass grade for the Nasi Goreng Pattaya
Not too bad for first timer ~~~
After that we just lazying around until the moment i need to go home
I missed her a lot, she missed me a lot
But we needed to part for a while until thursday
I love you Lynn ~
Thanks for being with me for the past weekend ~

Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 80
Every morning i feel exhausted
Not because of not enough sleep
Is just i can't sleep well during night
Due to day time over usage of brain cell
For the past few days, i have been feeling the tiredness
It has taken my appetite away, don't feel like wanna eat
Day time , my works are very dull and unsatisfactory
Night time , I gotta do my things and tired
I just wanna to take a rest from everything i had now
Wanna refresh myself and had a short break
I planned to have break very soon
To go somewhere i never been before
Hopefully everything will be fine after that break !
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day 79 : Blue Blue Monday ( updated )
Dang ! I need to wait for another 4 days in order to get back Malacca !
Whatever, i just need to endure for the weekdays and enjoy my lovely weekend with her
However today i encountered one nice thing
When i was going back to my house
I walked past one Malay Auntie
She was so old and staring at me
I just smiled back at her as usual
Suddenly she stopped and talked to me
She asked : " Baru balik dari sekolah ? "
I replied : " Sekolah ??? "
She asked : " Ya ... Sekolah "
I replied : " I balik dari kerja ni "
She said : " Oh .... "
So conclusion from this conversation ~~~~~~
I am still young from everyone perspective ~~!~!~!
Just now happened something funny !
That incident happened when i entered my office
A : Hey Wai Mun, Do u know B phone number ? C wants it
me : I noe , pass me the phone
C : Do u noe B phone number ?
me : yes , give me a min , i check it
C : ok
me : Her number is xxxxxxxxxx
C : Thanks
A while later , my phone rang ~
C : Can i talk to B ??
me : ????? hey C why u call me ????
C : u not B ??? y u give me ur number to me ??
me : Oh ya hor !! how come i give my number to u ??
Then we felt so awkward after that... hahaha
I have been waiting for my supervisor since 2 pm until 4 pm
Finally he finished up his meeting
I was so nervous to meet him
Since i was not that active due to my project in another department
I spoke to him bout my lecturer visit first before i asked him bout holiday
Our conversation went well then only i started to ask him bout holiday
I told him that i need to go back on xxx day
Surprisingly he didn't ask me that detail
He just nodded and gave me green light upon my requests
God thank he was so kind back then
It seemed like there was a holy ring on top of his head !
I was too excited and prepared to go home
Then my luck has just ran out
I couldn't find my pendrive when i reached home
There are a lot of documents in my pendrive !
I quickly rushed back to working place from my house
Traffic was so bad and i was so frustrated
I reached there and started to search for my pendrive
Luckily i left it on my table and my colleague kept it for me :)
I felt so tired after such an incident
I don't wanna do redo all my works anymore if i lost it
Conclusion : What a tiring day for me ! Hng !
Day 77 , 78 : Weekend with sweet heart ~
I saw 2500+ messages in my inbox ~
I dunno that numbers are too many or too little for a couple
As for me, most of the sms are very precious and priceless
Even if the message is simple such as " Morning Dear ! "
I feel very warm with it, i will keep it as our memories
But i gotta clean up my messages in inbox
I browse and read back one by one
And deleted those not so sweet messages from her ! Hiak hiak
I just deleted 1000+ messages and some of it are very precious
Coz she won't show affection to me so easily
Once in a while when she got "feel" only will show it out to me
Sometimes i will envy other couple, they are so lovely to each other
Maybe coz she doesn't show affection so easily
But when i see back my sms, i realize one of it says that she won't show it out...
Although she loves me a lot, she still acting normal
Hehe, y do i need to mind all these nonsense
I love her, she loves me ....... that is enough for both of us
This is our only love story
No need to follow other couple to be so lovely
No need to follow other couple to be so romantic
It is our own unique way of show affection to each other
We will appreciate each other more and more
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 76 : Friday ~~~
I saw Lynn blog about her last few months appearance and now
So i have decided to post mine as well ~

This pic is we take together when we first know each other
I guess that was 6 months ago !

This is 5 months ago pic
I still rmb that time we watched Ice Kacang Puppy Love together !
In this pic i look thinner than previous 1 .. hehe

I bet this is 4 months ago pic, cant really recall bout that
We both are so young that time and i still cant master the art of SS pic

This must be 3 and a half months pic we took when we went for sing k !
I still dunno how to smile properly yet ~
And she was the one who hold my camera
since i do not master yet the art of capture a nice pic

This pic is 3 months ago.
We went to her graduation dinner ~
U can see her chubby face was no longer there :(
She got thinner than last few months

This is 2 months ago pic ~
U can see her hair style is totally different than last time
This is the reason she turned prettier and cuter !
I love this hair style so much !

This is our last month pic ~
We were having our own sweet sweet moment now
U can see the difference as gradually scroll down to this pic
Big difference rite between now and past ?
Day 75 : Happy day
The topic is changes to CIP cycle
We researched on it for more than one month
Everyday in and out same place just wanna observe the blending area
Keep on changing the piping system, build new manifold or alter pipeline
Take picture of the implementation area, and take notes of important things
At first we got lectured for not doing enough homework on it.
Afterward, we gave our full commitment on it
We even considered to stay overnight just to observe the CIP process
Finally , senior manager has reviewed our project and is impressed by it !
I never expect he will say that since he is a very strict manager
I just hope he don't give a harsh comment on it
I felt happier when he said he will consider to implement it !
Today, few of my colleagues told me that they received an email
The email was about few implementations need to be done during Raya down
My implementation was inside the email !
Wow !! i felt so happy !
My manager said to me : " The credit is yours "
Hehe , that mean they have acknowledged our efforts on it
Let's pray the implementation is a success so that i can get bonus from it !
Cheers ~!~
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 74 : 3 months anniversary
And in relationship for 3 months already
I still remember i attempted to give up on our relationship several times
Before we got together as a couple yet
But i am glad that i didn't give up on our relationship
I hang on well ~ withstand well all the difficulties
The path is tough and slippery
I did think wanna turn back
I decided to keep on walking when i think of the consequences if i stop now
Walk , Walk , Walk and Walk ~
Long Long thorny road ~
At last i reached the ending of the path
But there was a hole and i fall into the hole
That time i was half give up and wanna follow the flow
But she gave me hopes and pulled me up from the hole
When i got up from the hole, many things have changed
My path has became our path
We walked on the same path at last
I will make sure i do not walk out of the path
And make sure she does not walk out of the path as well
Although sometimes i will feel tired of it
But i think is worth it whenever i see the end product
The satisfaction of seeing the outcome ~
Is just like looking at the completed puzzle that takes months to complete
For now i don't wanna think the outcome of our path
As i am enjoying the process of walking throughout the path
Lastly, happy 6 months anniversary for liking each other !
And happy 3 months anniversary for being together !

5 months ago

1 month ago
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day 73 : Angry Day
Go work, discuss project and come back
Nothing to do much there
But when i got back from work
I was called by my mommy and neighbour
My neighbour asked me to get something from Malacca
At first i dunno what is that and he told me the details
He asked me to called up his friend and discuss bout meetup location
My mind is like , " Huh ? Y do i need to call up that fella ? "
" It is ur friend rite ? "
Then i told him i do not have a car there, can't meet up that fella
The next thing is he asked me to get help from friend
My mind is like , " Oh no, i don't wanna trouble my friend "
Then i refused him by saying don wanna trouble my friend
He said me not a great man or wat , don wanna trouble my friend
He said don let ppl to make use of me , but i can make use of people
Wow , wonderful theory . I dont expect someone will tell me such rubbish
Then i refused him by saying " no , i still don wanna trouble my friend "
Right after i refused he said " So i have troubled u ? "
" Then ur mom are troubling me now "
Since my mom was asking for his help back then
Great, i always help him on his laptop things.
Now is how he treat me back by threatening me
I still say no, and my mommy help me say no too
He couldn't do anything and say
" I know u very BUSY , not going to trouble u anymore "
Wow !! It makes it like i am the bad guy now
I always thought that if u truly wanna help someone
U dont expect the reward from that person
He is trying to ask for reward from me because of my mom ?
I have told him my difficulties and yet he threaten me back
I just say bye bye to him and go back home
What an angry day for me
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 69 70 71 72
Just for you Lynn ~
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 68 : Just another day ~~~~
Of cos i feel happy coz i can meet my dear again
Today i dream bout her again !
I dream her aunt me lynn and my dad in a car
Her aunt is the driver and drive us back to home
Her aunt drove past traffic light with red light on
The police was chasing our car !!!
We quickly drive to her house b4 he catches up us
After we reached front gate of the house
Lynn faster go open her gate ... and i keep worrying
At last we parked the car in ~~
And i use a cloth to cover the plate number !
HAHA eventho i am dreaming, i still can think trick to cover crime !
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 67 : Lao po day
I still rmb some portions of the dream
It was so sweet till i dont wanna wake up again
Then i proceed to work as usual .......
Discuss with partner on latest project ...
Finally senior manager is free to listen to our project
He was impressed by our slides !
Wow !! He is usually very strict on project
To get praise from him is very difficult and rare
Hehe .. i am loving it !
And i was handed another project after i finished the previous project
Hopefully i manage to do well in my current project as well ~
Oh yeah ... 2 more days to Malacca !!
Lynn i am coming for u ~
Muack ~
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 66 : For my Dear ~
I dream bout my dear yesterday nite
We had a wonderful experience in that dream ~
I feel lazy to wake up this morning as i had such a wonderful dream
I sent a lot messages to her coz i missed her badly
Every 5 - 10 mins i will check my phone to see she wake up d or not
Everyday repeats the same thing , i wont feel boring by doing that
I will worry she will skip her lunch or breakfast in order to keep fit
But lately she seems like to eat nugget
Eat ar dear ~ Must eat ~~~
I felt happy whenever she replied my message
My happiness reached its peak when ~~~
Before working in the car waiting
Morning time before she wakes up
Lunch time
After lunch when she is about to take nap
Work finish
I missed her alot during working hours
But i do concentrate on my own jobs tho
Don worry my dear ~
I will concentrate on my job while sms with you
I will be a successful person after i graduated
to earn a living and support our families
Love you dear
Muack !
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 65 : Gloomy monday
I have entered holiday mode after a wonderful weekend
I don't feel like working
Just lazying around
But i did gave my full commitment to the company
Tomorrow is my presentation day ..
Lets wish me good luck =)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day 62 63 64 : Lil trip with my dear
Normally i will just go back and webcam with her
But she has no internet connection at Puchong there
Thus i had lunch all alone for Last Friday
After work, i went to eat Ketam with my frens
Then we watched Inception with them
Inception is an awesome movie !
I wish there are more movies like that in the future
I reached home 3 30 am and woke up 9 am in the morning
I drove to Sunway Pyramid and had a wonderful outing with her
Then i fetched her to uncle house and bought her flower
At night we had a birthday celebration for her cousin
The cake was very nice and special . Too bad i don't like it . haha
I slept around 11 pm tat day and need to wake up 4 am
For the first time i drive so far away from shah alam
I drove to Cyberjaya with XW ...
When i saw her in her outfit .. It was so dazzling ~
Cute cute cute and pretty !
Then i went to oldtown and had breakfast
While waiting for the ceremony to finish
Then we had a photo session with her friends
And i be the special cameraman for her
She seems so happy after graduated from Multimedia University !
I felt happy for her too ! This is the first convo i had been to
When times up , my frens were waiting for me to go home
But she was still taking photo
I didn't want to leave but i had to
I stood there for few minutes just wanna see her for a while
At last she saw me and i waved to her say goodbye
I shall meet her again next week ~
Happy graduation my dear !
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 61 : Thursday
But i chose to sleep for half and hour more
I headed to work early and sit in car for a while
Then walk to office when time is up
My supervisor handled some tasks to me
I managed to do finish before 12 pm
But i fall down when doing my task at blending room
Luckily i dint crash to acid or alkaline tank
I felt pain as i fall down from a stair
Day 60 : 2 months !!
I wanna design my own room !! ( If i am given one )
I wanna plan nicely where to put my bed
Get suitable furniture for my room
I wanna make it most comfortable room !
i plan to buy L shape of study table ~
Wall book racks , decent wardrobe
And also cupboard with several compartments !
I am trying to get a queen size bed as well ~
But don't think i can get it as the room size is small =(
I am working on my design now ..
My dream is to have my own room and is designed by me
My room must have TV with stereo and entertainment set
one special designed wardrobe and L shaped study area
I don't want my room to be too spacey
Coz i might feel alone if i am in it
I wanna put carpet on the floor to make it like hotel room
The lighting is very important to me, not too dim and not too bright
Slightly bright is enough for me
I plan to put polystyrene board at the wall
So that i can stick photos or important notes on it
I wanna put clothes hanger at the wall there as well
And use self designed small curtain to cover it
I wish to design the wall colour too if i am born with art talent =(
So far i just plan for a single room now ....
I will live comfortably in such a dream room !
Hopefully i can make it a realistic room next few months !
-The End-
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 59 : Tuesday :)
Throughout the day i keep thinking of my lynn
I cant get her off of my head
I am so happy that she is my special one
I wan to care for her more and more
She is my most precious girl
hehe .. i love you my dear !
muack muack !
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 52,53,54,55,56,57,58
But i still need to continue my blog
Until i finish my training and back to Malacca
I must continue writing it
Today is already Day 58
i can't believe it it is Day 58 d
Almost 2 months since i left Malacca
Another 60 days till i back Malacca perhaps?
Another 15 - 20 days till our three month anniversary
Then i can back to my sweet sweet home Malacca
I will find my dearest sweet sweet love again
I had sweet moment with her ~
And i had bitter moment with her too ~
I wish we can love each other without any obstacle
I love her so much
But sometimes dunno how to express it
When i got panicked, i don't what to do
I wanna show her that i love her
But i don't know what to do at all
I realized that sometimes i am helpless
when facing critical situation
I don't have any experience on it
I don't know how to face it and handle it
But i am able to express how i feel
I express everything in my deep feeling
Hopefully one day my real feeling will reach her heart
I just wanna let her know that
Although I am
Not good in consoling people
Don't know girl's thinking and needs
Got mad with small reasons
But i still love you very much
I am willing to learn how to console
I will listen whatever you said to me
I will take care of you more and more
Just be my side and i will feel satisfy with it
I miss you dear
Forgive me for everything :(
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 47,48,49,50,51 : Wahaha love hehe
Firstly, we went to sing k at Gogo Jetty there
We had lotsa fun there by singing duet song !
I hold her hands while singing those songs :p
Then we headed back to her home and chit chated ~
I enjoyed every moment with her that night =)
Saturday we woke up late and then have a walk at JJ
We walked around in the JJ and searched for foods !
We bought herbal eggs, donut, bread and fried squid !
Our last destination of food searching is US Pizza ~
We bought 3 regular pizzas and had lunch at her mom workplace
However we couldn't finish it because it was too much for us =(
Then we had a short rest before get going to jonker street
We bought many foods there and enjoyed the our moment
It was fun to see her blush when i called her sweet name.. hehe
After jonker street, we went to eat fried oyster at nearby
The fried oyster is quite popular and we waited for 1 hour there
During the 1 hour, we ate the famous local hokkien mee
It was very nice hokkien mee and i loved it so much
After we bought the fried oyster we headed back to her house
We ate the fried oyster together in big group
She didn't want to eat as it was very fattening
I took out the oyster and fed her eat
As i knew she always liked those kind of food
Sunday morning we woke up late as well
We went for movie and shopped for her formal clothes
We watched Predators together ! It was very fun and exciting !
I expected she will get scared by the brutal scene
But she was not scared of that at all =)
We were so lovey during our outing that day
However we felt very sad when few hours remaining
Times up ! Time for me to go home !
I hated that moment but i need to go on
I felt so sad during that time
When i reached home, i missed her so much
I hoped that she will be around my side
I hoped that Friday will come sooner
Monday morning when i woke up
I felt upset, i still missed her a lot
I sent a tons of sms to her
Flooded her mail box
But she was sleeping that time
When i got back , i felt happy as i can see her face again
Tuesday morning ~
I still felt quite miss her
As usual i sent a lots of sms to her
I felt so happy when she replied my sms
But i have a lots of work to do
I did found some times to reply her sms
Just when i got back from work
She was sleeping ~ Guess i need to wait a while to see her again
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Now my turn for u! :)
Like: The way you are so caring, considerate and over-pampered me, the way you act like a spoiled child demand for a kiss on your cheek and your reaction when I rejected your gift just not wanting you to spend too much money on me. How you planned your future on taking MBA and how you describe your working environment with colleagues and your future plan.Like the way you think of me wherever you go, and whatever you do.
Dislike: how you are so choosy on food especially on vegetables and fruits and your face’s expression while people taking a scoop of salad into their mouth. The way you try to explain study is not everything for working environment, though I agreed some of your explanation, but not all. And also your words, “see steps walk steps”.
First impression: A guy with zero skills, reddish face with helpless thoughts when came to beer or wine. The first guy I met who will not tense when came to game and the one who taught me DOTA steps by steps with lots of patience.
Confession: You are not the one as I though who you are, I mean playful and not serious on your study. Now I said it. Don’t fly too high! *still need more hardworking*
Future plan: not thinking this yet. As you said, see steps walk steps.